Limited Data Plan?

If you have a limited data plan, please note that images are compressed and sent when you take them. They are automatically compressed to less than 1 MB, the example I checked was compressed down to 106 KB! In the app settings if you turn on "High Res Image Quality" larger images will be sent to the website resulting in more data usage.

Also, note that at the end of your ride a JSON file is sent from your phone to the website. This file is also very small in size!

The real data monster is downloading map tiles while you ride.


1. To use the smallest amount of data on your ride you can pause the ride when done, then tap finished save when you connect to wifi.
2. Put the app in standby mode so map tiles are not constantly downloading.
3. Already know your route? While connected to wifi open the gobiketrip app and scroll around to cache the map tiles before you leave.

Possible features:

1. Option to upload images later on when the ride is finished. That way you can use tip #1 and upload everything when connected to wifi.